Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I must admit I am bit turned off toThanksgiving this year. Although I don't want to be a bitter cynic, I can't help my naseua as the materialism and gluttony saturates days we are told to celebrate.
Thanksgiving is mainly about food. Forget the "gratefulness and thankfulness" because we STUFF ourselves. I hate people who stuff themselves on Thanksgiving, it's respulsive. Actually there is nothing more unappealing than the fat American man, who spills over the couch, requesting more and more andmore stuffing from the kitchen as he watches stupid American Football and burps. Ew. I would probably wind up poisoning my husband at night or stangling him if he were like that. Yay, thank God for the Brits...whatever.
Anyway, back to my point- (I digress a lot, and probably have a lot of spelling errors- one thing Justin and I have in common;)
so, as I was saying...Thanksgiving. Children are starving to death in Africa, millions of Iraqis are being killed and torn from their homes, homelessness continues to be a significant problem, people are lonely, the world is deteriorating due to global warming and greed and here we are celebrating a holiday by stuffing about denial and escapism.
I'm not saying that we should stop enjoying life because there is suffering in the word, but why does it have to be so extreme? It's sickening and fake that little American school children have no clue what is going on in the world and celebrate what they are thankful for on the basis of what???? Perhaps if they REALLY knew how bad it could be, they would have a more deeper understanding of "gratefulness and thankfulness."
So this year, I do hope that peope keep things in perspective when they stuff their faces and talk about being least agknowledge the irony...


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